Selling  T7 Sword Fighter Twin Swords 4M silver + 6.0 gear +Bonus 10 int books

Discussion in 'Albion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xxDARKxLORDxx, 2/4/25.

  1. xxDARKxLORDxx

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Bronze Status: This user has successfully completed 3+ middleman transactions

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    My Location:
    - Contact us before making the order -
    Account created for sale.
    When paying, you get access to the account mail + access to the Albion Online account.
    The account is pumped manually without any third-party manipulations

    Open wearing:
    Fighter with a sword Twin swords t7 as the main one
    Additionally, the ability to wear: Broadsword, Claymore, Royal sword, Sword of Carnage, twin Galatines, Tsarevitch, Blade of Infinity.

    Leather jacket of the assassin t7,
    Hunter's hood t7
    Lat boots soldier t7
    Dressed in t6.0

    Fame 1,280,000
    Mastery 37

    Pros of Buying from Me
    from me Bonus for you mount Saddled giant deer + clothing 6.0
    +4,000,000 silver for your expenses + 10 books of intuition

    For me, the most important thing is that you are satisfied with the product +
    Reliability 1 Safety 2

    Over 200+ positive reviews
    One of the super nice weapons Mobile damage , tenacious
    Europe server Amsterdam + mail
    City - Lumhurst
    Raider Master
    For me, a very pleasant balanced weapon that plays anywhere, both in pvp and in pve!
    Contact us in private to see pictures.
    Contact me if you need a specific account :, I will show them to you off market.

    You can directly add me on discord for faster answer : **heaven_guardian**

    All accounts have a **Lifetime Warranty**, see our return policy to know the details.