Stated to him that it was not Me and he was so called getting logged out while I was texting him telling it’s not me
On this picture he has equipment after he posted he didn’t have any! He is removing and adding the equipment back
this is the original question!! And the original issue go back and look at the time stamps of when I canceled the order and him talking to the GM of the game. I canceled the order when I saw the next day he was telling the GM that I # him.
Guys he always had access to the account!! He been trying to scam others I have proof of him stating others were trying to buy the account! The guy who said he scammed him 3 months ago was probably the guy who got revenge on him and he thinking it’s me. But what’s not about to happen is I keep getting accused of something I didn’t do. I haven’t been on player up for no more than a week! He has been here longer so he has been scamming people wayy before I even came
So as you see he just admitted he got the account back... so even if I didn’t cancel he could of gotten my money and the account easily. He broke the rules not me
@Hulk @Help @Support @Middleman explain that above if I bought the account at 11:30pm and I have the account that means it is mines and I can do what I want to the account and have done my part. BUT I fell asleep and I woke up the next day at 4:30 am seeing that he messaged the GM at 01:00 am to tell GM in the game to block my email and told the GM I # his account. He kicked me out of the account after that I could no longer access the account. So I screen shot all the proof before he changed the emails. If he messaged the GM at 01:00 am and I canceled the order almost 4 hours later. Why did he originally get the account back?? I didn’t cancel the order until 4:57 am but he had already took the account back claiming I # him
@Help @Support @Middleman @Hulk look at the times this is my proof I canceled the order at 4:57am but he had already took account back
@Hulk @Support @Middleman @Help i can’t make this stuff up! look at the proof he scammed another guy in his city for the 500$ also. He is a known scammer guys
@Help @Support @Hulk @Middleman Proof I canceled after he already messaged the GM. I canceled at 4:56 am almost 4 hours later after he messaged GM at 01:00 am. so I’m lying???
@Dom37390 leave everything above what was posted before and give me the answer of 2 question. 1.When did you contacted game support to recover the account you sold? 2.Who told you that you will not get your money?
Hi again I asked GM to make sure he cannot connect as soon as I saw he asked playerup to cancel order I don’t have the exact time I’ve been told I wouldn’t get the money by FunkyJae22 and it has been confirmed on playerup when I logged in telling me that everything was pending Then FunkyJae sent me a screen telling that playerup confirmed his money was safe
That is not what it says here from @Funky jay22's evidence. You clearly contacted the GM before he cancelled your guys transaction.
Yes the money was safe as in it was still in middleman hands until we investigate but that was hours after we canceled the order this time says 10am