Exploiting Scammer with multiple Ids

Discussion in 'Disputes - Banned Scammers' started by VibrantSeller, 9/14/24.

  1. OP

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    This scammer even removed his telegram account now after the claims of thestopwar777 . Thats so funny.

    if he was legit why would he delete hi account on telegram. There is just so much proof showing that he is a scammer . If you just connect dots you can see he is same guy whose multiple accounts have been banned already. As an administrator you can even see ips of all accounts and easily conclude that. Kindly take appropriate action asap. @Hulk @Middleman @Support @Admin

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  2. BOLTvendor

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    All I can see here is a team trying to pull a seller down ! As for vibrant seller you’re the real scammer!!! You have multiple threads here in the dispute section active that you can’t speak for, yet you’re telling @Hulk to take an account down cos you wanna be the only seller in the section,,, lastly I can’t delete my telegram cos of anyone, I did nothing and good luck with trying to get me off the platform with your team…. You should be investigated for this , why are you reporting every seller on the section? You’re the real fraud. You even have a negative aswell and you scammed various other people but how can you be put to book when you’ve been given a God position on the website
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  3. BOLTvendor

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    I am selling legitimately and haven’t scammed anyone! Yall can fuvk off and let me be, as for you his team partner, I hope he pays you really well for this… Goodluck and bye
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  4. OP

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    Lmao, you just a scammer who is desperate to get some money to dtay alive by scamming. I dont have time to waste on you.

    Enough evidence is above for moderators to take appropriate action and get scammer off of the site. Its your choice now, if you guys see the entire chat with evidence, you can clearly come to the truth. @Hulk
  5. korikss

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    Almost fell for it, fortunately @VibrantSeller informed me about him and his intentions. Watch out SCAMMER!

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  6. OP

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    @Hulk, any legit person will send a simple video of logging into account and get 500$. He pretends to send screenshot of logins from note but refuses to send a simple video.

    is prefers saying no to 500$ and making excuses about trusting and all rather than sending the video, which is my god really really hilarious.

    Enough proof on this thread which confirms he is a scammer. Kindly ban him asap. @Middleman @Hulk @Support @Admin
  7. BOLTvendor

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    @Hulk all I see here is a greedy and selfish seller who you’ve turned a God on the website asking sellers not to post or sell a certain account cos he’s selling the same, telling me he will keep writing and commenting and using multiple accounts to write to me saying I’m trying to scam them for no visible evidence that I got paid and never delivered the account….
    @Hulk you need to look into this cos I don’t scam anyone and never did but this seller here is accusing me using various accounts to say I am a scammer with different chats to me just to make you block me off the platform. does this look fair or ok to you ???
    He’s greedy and feeling like a mini god on This platform, restricting people not to sell a certain thing cos he’s selling them too….. I texted this lowlife sometimes ago to be one of my other supplier for balance accounts and he just listed the prices to me and after 1 day he just blocked me and clears off all our chats and came online to write I am a scammer cos I was just selling same thing he was selling….. this is insane

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  8. BOLTvendor

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    @Hulk he has multiple friends around and asking them to just find a way to get me off the platform cos no visible evidence that I scammed anyone and he just keeps calling me a scammer!

    And as for the TG username changes it’s cos my TG isn’t allowing people to search me with the boltvendor name and I had to change it. I still use the boltvendor on discord so I don’t understand why calling me a scam for no apparent reasons or anything I did wrong… just him and his Random friends or something trying to coop and get me off the platform.
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  9. OP

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    Yeah i threatened him. I sell balance accounts not creator so if he posts about them and scams people for it, i loose business.
    If he wants to scam and site is taking forever to ban him then he better scam by only creator accounts.

    sad to say but it has come to this.

    and as for tg username, thats complete lie lol, people cant search him using username.
    Ban this scammer already
  10. BOLTvendor

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    your problem is calling me a scammer for no visible reasons , you can’t just accuse me of what I didn’t do …. Calling me a scammer cos I am selling what you’re selling so as to put my name down ??? That’s not even fair atall,

    I think you better goto a university or something cos you seem to have problems reading to understand what I said in this post about my username for telegram!

    if not @Hulk giving you the power to just feel like a God, dictating on what a seller should come sell all in the name of selling same as you but because you have ranks you start reporting falsely so I can get banned and you can continue to be the only seller in the section!! Very unfair lowlife

    Sick of your rubbish already! You’re just a selfish person that was given power to act as whatever on the website.

    it’s a website for people to buy and sell but you turned it to your website and started dictating for others and blocking everyone else trying to sell same as you!! Bulshit

    Accusing everyone as scam!!! @Hulk i don’t think that’s right
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  11. OP

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    Enough proof is already on this thread for moderators to see. Writing essays doesn’t make a difference. Keep blabbering scammer
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