Just to add to this. At no given point did you inform any party of your intentions. You got the funds, and recalled it and because of that we have certainly lost trust that you can actually do good business here. Furthermore, it's dangerous to recall an account. What if the buyer tried to do the same thing and contacted Fortnite told them they bought the account? Then the account is banned. Example: If you buy a car and the buyer doesn't make a payment, does the seller go and steal that car back after he has made 90% of his payments? The answer is no. You work to resolve the issue vs taking the money and trying to get your item back.
okay I think that that info need to be shown when you sell something on here put okay I am alright with the money back and do I get my account unsuspended then to? how does that work can you guys get the amount he payed off my balance and put it on his o
After cancelling the order through the three-way ticket, I got an automated response from the Middleman saying to wait for an update in the private conversation. That was back on the 21st of May, and I haven’t received any updates since then...
Why am i still suspended and a high risk I am doing everything I can to solve this problem I wanna know I am able to withdraw the money left on my account when the money is given back te the buyer because I have 180$ left on it then can i withdraw that balance and get my account unsupended as well after the issue
This transaction is officially closed in favor of the buyer due to the seller recalling the account without any notice. The buyer has now been refunded in full per his buyer benefits and middleman protection policy The seller account is restored for cooperating with the moderators to get this issue resolved
Refund will hopefully be processed within 24 hours. Usually refunds are instant but we have some slight issues still with our PayPal configurations. Requested it manually refunded.
Why is there not any update on the refund of the buyer and Why can i still get my money on this site back