Sold Guys..which type of class is best for beginner ...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Syahmi Kamaruddin, 10/18/14.

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    Evíl Withïn

    Evíl Withïn
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    But what if you face a sin? Remember that archers and sins can use sneak, sins can use smoke bomb. All they gotta do is to keep you stunned and after each stun just use strong attacks such as snipe.
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    Evíl Withïn

    Evíl Withïn
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    If I face you in duel or arena in pvp area, I'll just use sneak then rapid shot for my first stun, avulsion for good damage and for fear condition, the 3 secs from fear condition gives me enough time to use snipe. Then pin feet and split shot with explosive effects. And keep moving around while attacking
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    Dakronic Healz

    Dakronic Healz
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    Sin and archer doesn't bother me they quite weak
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    Evíl Withïn

    Evíl Withïn
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    Maybe you've never faced one with full gemmed s3 gears and s3 trinkets. If you are on ios, you should come to the whispering islands server. You might find some real challenge there
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    Dakronic Healz

    Dakronic Healz
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    Yes I have they noob lmao I'm full s3 dd war and healer and mili with lv5 gems
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    Dakronic Healz

    Dakronic Healz
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    Sin is pathetic weak and archer vigor goes to fast easy kill
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