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#NAME? - 3 tovl glyphs plus cloak - tali making & scavenging 200 rr82 Choppa - 1 tovl glyph #NAME? #NAME? - butchery & potion making 200 rr70 BW #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? - tali making & salvaging 200 #NAME? About 500 gold on all toon. 1 year reward. RvR...
Post by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/18/13 in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
520 Captain Medallions 67 WF Crests (3/5 Offensive WF gear and 1/5 Defensive) 149 DF Crests (1/5 Offensive DF gear) (16/16) Full Defensive and Offensive Sov 5/5 Glyphs 6/6 Tyrant Titan's Belt - Titan's 2H Axe (rr 90+ weapon and gear) Combatant's Superb Shroud Holds every...
Post by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/18/13 in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
Willing to also trade for RR81+ marauder with equiv gearsets" "wts slayer rr 83 ""Def sove 7/8" Off sove 8/8 Tyrant 6/6 Glyph 5/5 Cloak and ring set from Lotd some parts of Doomflayer and Warpforge 83rr 2h weapon 83rr 1h weapon full inf in all t4 zones half way to 81rr...
Post by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/18/13 in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
rr100 SC weapon - StarCleaver halfway up rr100 defensive axe Few PVE Funerary Shroud of Settra - 10s crit and penetration immunity!!! - best pocket item ingame - mostly unfindable now!!! Funerary Shroud of Khutep - supercleanse (cursed Magic and Melee pocket absorbs!!!...
Thread by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/19/13, 0 replies, in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
City st2 Axe CURRENCY: 162 doomflayer crests 86 royal cca 300 gold. PROFESIONS: 200/200 Talisman/Butcher Very nice toon to play Both pack active # for quick buyer possible! PM for info." "8 x Rank 40 EU servers, cheap " "WTS rr90 sm, rr82 kotbs on Norn , rr80 bg...
Thread by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/19/13, 0 replies, in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
Selling "Buying Account - ""Wtb dok - rr80+"" ""Looking...
"Buying Account - ""Wtb dok - rr80+"" ""Looking for a DOK rr80-90 preferably male character with DPS set and LOTD glyphs.""" "Buying Account - ""Wtb 80+ sh/we"" ""Looking for something around 80 and up to 90" I just want it to be geared and cheap." "Buying Account -...
Thread by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/20/13, 0 replies, in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
rr100 SC weapon - StarCleaver halfway up rr100 defensive axe Few PVE Funerary Shroud of Settra - 10s crit and penetration immunity!!! - best pocket item ingame - mostly unfindable now!!! Funerary Shroud of Khutep - supercleanse (cursed Magic and Melee pocket absorbs!!!...
Post by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/19/13 in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
City st2 Axe CURRENCY: 162 doomflayer crests 86 royal cca 300 gold. PROFESIONS: 200/200 Talisman/Butcher Very nice toon to play Both pack active # for quick buyer possible! PM for info." "8 x Rank 40 EU servers, cheap " "WTS rr90 sm, rr82 kotbs on Norn , rr80 bg...
Post by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/19/13 in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
"Buying Account - ""Wtb dok - rr80+"" ""Looking for a DOK rr80-90 preferably male character with DPS set and LOTD glyphs.""" "Buying Account - ""Wtb 80+ sh/we"" ""Looking for something around 80 and up to 90" I just want it to be geared and cheap." "Buying Account -...
Post by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/20/13 in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
A few good weapons from keeps Salvaging and Talisman Making both 200 Archmage: Renown Rank: 65 Armor sets: 7/7 Warlord 8/8 Healing Worn Sovereign 8/8 DPS Worn Sovereign 1/6 Tyrant (chest) Few pieces of Sovereign including chest Weapons: Both Onslaught jewelries All...
Thread by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/21/13, 0 replies, in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
A few good weapons from keeps Salvaging and Talisman Making both 200 Archmage: Renown Rank: 65 Armor sets: 7/7 Warlord 8/8 Healing Worn Sovereign 8/8 DPS Worn Sovereign 1/6 Tyrant (chest) Few pieces of Sovereign including chest Weapons: Both Onslaught jewelries All...
Post by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/21/13 in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
4/5 off DF - missing shoulders Full sov 4/5 Glyphs (incl. Backpiece for awesome looks) rr99 and 98 capes 2x rr75 Royal SC weapons Almost enough insignia for rr81 SC weapon. Lots of LOTD weaponry - incl 2hander with best Colosus talismans. Magic Absorb and Crook of...
Thread by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/22/13, 0 replies, in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
2xweapons sc100rr rvr/progresion pack Rod of service 1000g + AM 95rr Pm offers" "Choppa 100rr on Karak Norn ""Choppa 100rr " Weapon 98rr Belt 98rr Cloak 99rr +1000g Many DF and WF crest RVR/progresion pack sub active" "Wts rr 100 wh ""Selling RR100 WH." #NAME? -2x set...
Thread by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/23/13, 0 replies, in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
Lot of tokens...(officer enva sdg) Absorb 3500 4/5 glyphes 2 tyrans Black and red colors #NAME? Knight : rr 70 full conqu/enva/sdg 2 glyphes tdm Few Weapons BG Witch Hunter: rr64+ full conqu/enva and few sdg pieces and casok rr80 Wizard : 53+ Full conqu/ few enva few sdg...
Thread by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/23/13, 0 replies, in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
4/5 off DF - missing shoulders Full sov 4/5 Glyphs (incl. Backpiece for awesome looks) rr99 and 98 capes 2x rr75 Royal SC weapons Almost enough insignia for rr81 SC weapon. Lots of LOTD weaponry - incl 2hander with best Colosus talismans. Magic Absorb and Crook of...
Post by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/22/13 in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
2xweapons sc100rr rvr/progresion pack Rod of service 1000g + AM 95rr Pm offers" "Choppa 100rr on Karak Norn ""Choppa 100rr " Weapon 98rr Belt 98rr Cloak 99rr +1000g Many DF and WF crest RVR/progresion pack sub active" "Wts rr 100 wh ""Selling RR100 WH." #NAME? -2x set...
Post by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/23/13 in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade -
Lot of tokens...(officer enva sdg) Absorb 3500 4/5 glyphes 2 tyrans Black and red colors #NAME? Knight : rr 70 full conqu/enva/sdg 2 glyphes tdm Few Weapons BG Witch Hunter: rr64+ full conqu/enva and few sdg pieces and casok rr80 Wizard : 53+ Full conqu/ few enva few sdg...
Post by: League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/23/13 in forum: League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade
Showing results 61 to 77 of 77
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