VIdeo Features Well-optimized 0.01ms | Idle 0.01ms - 0.08ms | In usage Uses FiveM asset escrow system, but the code is not obfuscated and you can edit everything inside Tested with ESX V1 Final, but should work with all ESX version, if not you can always contact me Highly customizable Change police alert chance Change NPC robbing you chance Add as many drugs as you want Change the amount of police needed to sell drugs & much more Player selects a drug and gives a price NPC will give a counter offer if asked price is not higher than set in config The amount of drugs NPC will buy is random The price will be lower than the player’s price Player can accept or deny the NPCs offer NPCs will buy less amount drugs if the price is higher and are less likely to buy drugs if the price is higher NPCs will buy more drugs if the price is lower and are more likely to buy drugs if the price is lower NPCs have a configurable chance of calling the cops, which includes an animation NPCs can rob the player (also configurable) Can’t sell to the same NPC after selling to them once [NEW] Simple mode: When turned on, NPC will just offer a random amount of money between two values you have set in the config