Sewilartobyla's Recent Activity

  1. Sewilartobyla replied to the thread  Selling   10,000 ROBUX NO TAX.

    hey, do i get 10K robux before or after tax?

    11/3/24 at 3:54 PM
  2. Sewilartobyla replied to the thread  Selling  25000 Robux  1-60 Minutes 24k RBX (from beamed account, 3months+, safe product).

    hey, are you still selling

    11/2/24 at 12:27 PM
  3. Sewilartobyla replied to the thread  Selling  50000 Robux  1-60 Minutes SELLING ROBUX 1$ PER K (50K+ ONLY).

    hey, i would really like to buy, could you please add me in discord, its s0kew

    11/2/24 at 12:21 PM
  4. Sewilartobyla replied to the thread  Selling  100000 Robux  1-60 Minutes Selling Robux! $1 .35 = 1000 Robux - INSTANT Delivery - CONTACT FIRST.

    this guy is a big fraud, making a scammmer page all around, if you want proof i got various. DONT BUY

    11/2/24 at 12:19 PM