MrAndersson's Recent Activity

  1. MrAndersson posted a new thread.

     Selling  High End  Original Owner (Yes) WTS Paladin lvl 60 Thunderstrike (EU,PVE) prebis holy/prot . Attunements.

    Hello, selling this lovely lvl 60 Paladin ready for Raids! Thunderstrike (EU,PVE) preBIS holy/prot . full Attunements. first aid 300...

    Forum: WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (EU)

    12/17/24 at 9:21 PM
  2. MrAndersson posted a new thread.

     Selling  High End  Original Owner (Yes) SOD lvl 60 Troll Shaman full BIS , rank 10 PVP , 8/8 T0.5, 8/8 T1 Fake name

    Hello, I'm selling this insane high-end lvl 60 troll shammy my own personal account made for selling. original owner, leveled and...

    Forum: WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (EU)

    12/17/24 at 9:12 PM