Selling  Android and iOS  Average ZGirls C1006 TB30 14M Power

Discussion in 'Zgirls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jaeg, 5/22/19.

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  1. Jaeg

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    Selling my Zgirls account bc i grew tired of this game and barely play anymore

    TB 30
    Power > 14 Million
    Diamonds > 100k
    All T10 troops except Project origin (T9)
    VIP 10 (Shop Lv. 1)
    29 enabler unlocked (average lvl probably around 32, highest is 40)

    Battery transformation for all troops except Project origin 43+
    Some boxed ressources (around 350M oil and food, 80M steel, 20M alloy and 10M obsidian)
    Some unused lucky draw tickets (>100) and z-badge adv. (ca. 60)

    Price is around 120 USD bc thats roughly the amount of money i put into this game, might sell it for less.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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