Sold Zavia+Foli+Longbeard+ more early/mid game account.

Discussion in 'Raid Shadow Legends Accounts for Sale | Buy RSL Account' started by Professor Nacl, 6/24/19.

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  1. Professor Nacl

    Professor Nacl
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    Im selling one of my 2 personal accounts. The account is unlinked from Facebook. and has a couple weeks left on its subscription.

    Zavia has a few skills but thats it for legendaries. Apothecary has the necessary ones and Coldheart is maxed. Juliana is in progress.

    Masteries have only just been started on a few.

    I don't have CB screenshots but it was doing around 2 million per key to the normal boss. Its mostly an issue of gear and skills thats keeping it that low.

    Primary champs are:

    Zavia lvl 50, Foli lvl 50, Longbeard lvl 50, Warmother lvl 50 and Tomblord lvl 1

    Coldheart, Juliana are lvl 50, Sinesha, Talia, Apothecary Thenasil, Jinglehunter and Zargala are lvl 40

    Plenty of ranking up fodder.

    Arena is Bronze II, greathall lvl 2

    15 days worth of double XP in the Inbox.

    Gem Mine is locked and Sparring Pit is at the lowest level.

    Missions are at 87/286.

    Player level 34.

    Hard and Brutal campaign Sacred Shards still available.

    Any other questions feel free to message me on here. I can provide pictures on request.
    #1 Professor Nacl, 6/24/19
    Last edited: 6/24/19
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  2. Chris Shiflett

    Chris Shiflett
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