Discord: Fires#3273 (For screenshot proof! & contact) Contains the following but not limited to!; ~12,901,567 GP ~10 Dev K Coins (Event Shop) 2 Unique Heroes (Permanent) 3 Unique Heroes (Timed 2hr) 2 Rare Heroes (Permanent) 1 Premium Hero (Permanent) - Sol Badguy 3 Ult. Evo Normal Heroes (Permanent) 1 Next-Gen Normal Hero (Permanent - Main) Crow 5 Unique Gear (All Lv.25+) 34 Rare Gear (Some of it is Max Up.) 4 Premium Gear 3 Normal Weapons (Max Evo. Max Up.) 33 Rare Medals (+ About 15 Common/Uncommon) (4 Of which give +10 to all stats) +400 Costumes (Almost every single costume from the chests is there!) Each Hero has a lot of style options, especially Crow! Each Hero is Female, too. 25 Soul Stones 125 Golden Tokens 10 Full Stat Resets 4029 Hunter Tokens 1016 Megaphones 104 Rainbow Megaphones 50 Lunar Fish Bait 20 Tackle Box Slots 1 Gear Slot 1 Hero Slot