I am selling Yul Saggitarius 101/99 Dual Othell Adventurer @ Chronos Server Brilliant Brooch (4 Slots) : With Emerlad Lv4/Ruby Lv3/Diamond Lv3/Pearl Lv4. Dyes: Lv5 Legendary DEX (DEX+5 CON +1) Lv1 Legendary DEX (Charisma) (DEX+3 CHA+1)x2 Most of the skills +10 +13 PinPoint +11 Sniping /Sniper Stance +11 Impact shot With Arias bracelet DEx +3 And Venirs Lv10. Rudoplh Agathion And Lots of Stuff in warehouse especially EXP/Boots/Maintenance items!