Sold Yu-gi-oh Duel Links Account with Blackwing Tier 3 Deck + Many other UR and SR cards

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by ExoSam, 2/6/21.

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  1. ExoSam

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    This Yu-gi-oh Duel Links account has all the Blackwing cards you need to make a King of Games worthy deck. Shown below is the list of Blackwing cards:

    Blackwing Monsters -

    Blackwing-Simoon the Poison Wind x 3
    Blackwing-Zephyros the Elite x 3
    Blackwing-Gale the Whirlwind x 3
    Blackwing-Bora the Spear x 2
    Blackwing-Kris the Crack of Dawn x 3
    Blackwing-Oroshi the Squall x 3
    Blackwing-Hurricane the Tornado x 3
    Blackwing-Jetstream the Blue Sky x 3
    Blackwing-Vayu the Emblem of Honor x 3
    Blackwing-Blizzard the Far North x 3
    Blackwing-Gust the Blackblast x 3
    Blackwing-Harmattan the Dust x 3
    Blackwing-Mistral the Silver Shield x 3
    Blackwing-Breeze the Zephyr x 3
    Blackwing-Gladius the Midnight Sun x 3
    Blackwing-Steam the Cloak x 3
    Blackwing-Calima the Haze x 3
    Blackwing-Decay the Ill Wind x 3
    Blackwing-Kochi the Daybreak x 3
    Blackwing-Tornado the Reverse Wind x 3
    Assault Blackwing-Kunai the Drizzle x 3
    Blackwing-Sirocco the Dawn x 3
    Blackwing-Kogarashi the Wanderer x 3
    Blackwing-Abrolhos the Megaquake x 3
    Blackwing-Aurora the Northern Lights x 3

    Blackwing Spell Cards -

    Black Whirlwind x 3
    Black-winged Strafe x 3
    Cards for Black Feathers x 3
    Raptor Wing Strike x 3

    Blackwing Trap Cards -

    Blackbird Close x 3
    Black Return x 3
    Blackback x 3
    Blackboost x 3
    Blackwing-Backlash x 3
    Delta Crow-Anti Reverse x 3
    Fake Feather x 3

    Extra Deck Blackwing Monsters -

    Assault Blackwing-Raikiri the Rain Shower x 3
    Assault Blackwing-Chidori the Rain Sprinkling x 3
    Blackwing Tamer - Obsidian Hawk Joe x 3
    Blackwing-Onimaru the Divine Thunder x 3
    Black-Winged Dragon x 1
    Blackwing Armed Wing x 2
    Blackwing-Silverwind the Ascendant x 3
    Assault Blackwing-Sohaya the Rain Storm x 3
    Blackwing-Gram the Shining Star x 3

    Screenshot_2021-02-06-10-24-16-231_jp.konami.duellinks.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-06-10-24-19-540_jp.konami.duellinks.jpg

    This account has many other popular UR and SR cards like:

    Cosmic Cyclone x 2
    Brionic-Dragon of the Ice Barrier x 3
    Kachi Kochi Dragon x 3
    Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon x 1
    Cards of Consonance x 2
    Enemy Controller x 2
    Starliege Lord Galaxion x 1
    Photon Advancer x 3
    Photon Stream of Destruction x 2
    Dark End Dragon x 3
    Sakuretsu Armor x 2
    Metalmorph x 3
    Wall of Desruption x 1

    And many, many more!!!
    (You can see the complete list of UR and SR cards below)

    Screenshot_2021-02-06-10-27-37-956_jp.konami.duellinks.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-06-10-27-46-935_jp.konami.duellinks.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-06-10-27-55-693_jp.konami.duellinks.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-06-10-28-38-860_jp.konami.duellinks.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-06-10-28-44-142_jp.konami.duellinks.jpg

    The account also includes several UR, SR, R, N tickets, and 1 SR Dream Ticket as shown below.

    Screenshot_2021-02-06-10-33-42-381_jp.konami.duellinks.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-06-10-33-49-369_jp.konami.duellinks.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-06-10-33-55-238_jp.konami.duellinks.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-06-10-34-01-130_jp.konami.duellinks.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-06-10-34-08-789_jp.konami.duellinks.jpg Screenshot_2021-02-06-10-34-13-979_jp.konami.duellinks.jpg

    I prefer that you pay through PAYPAL, because the Middleman asks for your documents. Also, buyer pays first. I assure you that I am an honest seller and I expect the buyer to be honest too.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. phil1991

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    still selling?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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