Selling Youtubes new layout

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    As you may or may not no YouTube has made a very significant update to there site.This update has changed a few things and that is what I am going to cover in this section using pictures

    The Pics Tut:

    Enjoy these many pictures I will show

    Here is just a sample of the new look

    Description of it and guide


    Hope you enjoyed my tut/guide.

    Any questions contact me

    I don't really like the changes. I thought they were cool for the first day or so but then I didn't like the fact the the sidebar is gone. I liked that sidebar. Lots of links were helpful.

    Edit: Wow im stupid. Just found the place it is. Sorry for being stupid... lol

    Yeah I hate there new "Look" as well.It's not that I don't like change it's just that whats with all the different things like thumbs up?What was wrong with stars? And now you can't see comments or thumbs up on the users channel page you actually have to be on the videos page

    I liked the way it was before 5 stars was better than thumbs up thumbs down rating

    I don't support the new layout but it might become favorite in some time.

    YouTube : New style

    your subscribed to some weird things ^_^

    tell me if their funny ^_^

    i liked the previous layout but its probably just gonna be similar to facebook in the sense that everyone who is not satisfied with the changes will eventually learn to get used to it and move on until the next makeover haha

    very true... its one of those things whereas noone is used to so they rage because they just dont have the hang of it yet

    and refuse to give it a chance, its like being stubborn to growing up or change

    Less arrows would be more overview.

    But still, GJ :>

    nice info
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