The full extent of this service can be found on my panel Heres how it works Real users through directed traffic will be sent to either a single Monetized video or all of your channels videos over the course of a day, week or month. They will search the video through google and watch all the ads on your videos for the 2 to 5 minute retention You will make money off the views, if you purchase long retention, 10-20 minute, they will also watch all of the ads on your videos, and on youtube you can have more then 1 ad for 10+ minute vids. If you get long retention time you can place as many ads as you want on the vid, and yes all of the ads will get watched from viewers the cpm is generally very low, however this will also rank your vid and any outside views that come in from the service itself while ranking Typically smaller niches may have alot of growth after a week, large niches will not You can Leave monetization on the entire time obviously, and this service is also safe as monetized streaming The service will come in 6-18 Hour window, so there are parts of the day you will not receive any views If you have any other questions or comments, you can always reach us on skype [email protected]