Selling  1-48 Hours YOUR BEST WARTUNE DEAL

Discussion in 'Wartune Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by yourBESThero, 6/13/18.

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  1. yourBESThero

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    Cant upload the pics for some reason sooooo contact me by email and i send u pics and any info about the hero..
    hero a little description:

    hi guys im gonna sell my personal hero cose im gonna start a big travel soo impossible to play..
    id start play WARTUNE at first edition the epic basic one then he grow and grow as we know now..
    soo would be nice get someone who want still grow and play the hero.. i cant trash 5-6years work and a lot of hours like that :)
    the price maybe could sound a bit high but u donna get a 32m BR full equipped with 3 redsylphs (1 of them 1+mil br and other on the way) a big inventory with a lot of stuff to run events(u need events to get free rewards), vips cards(9x1h 2xa day 1x a week) 6 packs of 9999 cows (1 is 200k gold), stuff to upgrade,refine etc sylphs and eudamons, 1 eudamond full equipped last upgrade other ready to refine, high lvl talents, etc etc

    details about dragonchant(31.5m br),holy sword sylph lvl, ancient relics,titans,mounts, astrals etc only in private.

    another tip the hero is member of the 1 of the most powerfull guild 1st rank in his server.. and dont check BR to find your hero check status..cose expl. +40 of hp give u a lot of br but if u have less def and power atk U GONNA DIE with your high br :)

    others tips just at the buyer

    enjoy tc b good and 100%safe&positive vibes sell
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