Sold [YJ Trade] Red Eyes Slash Dragon x3 - Gems: 2.480 - Gold: 786.118 - UR: 77 - SR: 168

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by YJ Trade, 12/26/19.

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  1. YJ Trade

    YJ Trade
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    Buy Now

    It is obligarory to send a message to YJ Trade before buying.
    Es obligatorio mandar un mensaje a YJ Trade antes de comprar.


    Bienvenid@, estás cuentas son leveleadas por profesionales de YDL para sus jugadores.
    Está cuenta posee su propio correo en Outlook y es entregado inmediatamente por PlayerUp.

    Welcome this account as leveling professional raising YDL for people gaming.
    This account has its own mail Outlook and automatic delivery by PlayerUp.



    DM - 36
    Yami Yugi: Lv 37
    Seto Kaiba: Lv 32
    Joey Wheeler: Lv 12
    Tea Gardner: Lv 10
    Yugi Muto: Lv 1
    Mai Valentine: Lv 10
    Insector Haga: Lv 8
    Rex Raptor: Lv 1
    Mako Tsunami: Lv 1
    Yami Marik: Lv 2
    Ishizu Ishtar: Lv 1
    Mokuba Kaiba: Lv 1
    Lumis & Umbra: Lv 1

    DSOD - 8
    Seto Kaiba: Lv 22
    Sera: LV 1

    [​IMG] - 5
    Jaden Yuki: Lv 20

    [​IMG] - 1
    Yusei Fudo: Lv 2

    UR: +8
    SR: +4
    R: +9

    N: +5

    Return of The Red Eyes x3
    Ancient Gear Awakening x1
    Sorcerer's Alliance - 500 Gems
    Hero Rising - 500 Gems

    Available/Disponible: Android/iOS/Steam

    Cuando realices el pago dirigete a la aplicación Yugioh Duel Links y presiona Transferir Datos (No Iniciar Partida)
    Las siguientes opciones se realizan adentro del juego.
    1. Debes guardar tu progreso anterior para mantener tus dos cuentas.​
    2. Las cuentas se sobre-escriben en Opciones dentro del juego.​
    3. No se debe Clonar/Duplicar/Hackear o usar programas de terceros en el juego.​
    When you purchase, go to the app Yugioh Duel Link and press Transfer Data (No Initiate Link)
    The following options are made within the game.
    1. You must log in after saving your previous progress to keep your 2 accounts.​
    2. Accounts are overwritten in Options within the game.​
    3. Do not Clone/Duplicate/# or Use third-party programs in the game.​


    Ahora introduce el Usuario y la Contraseña que recibiste en tu correo asociado a
    Now, enter the Username and Password you received in the e-mail associated with



    Gracias por ver la cuenta.
    Si deseas compartir está cuenta con algún amigo puedes copiar el link.
    Alguna duda o inquietud no dudes en consultar.

    Thank you for viewing the account.
    If you want to share this account with a friend you can copy the link.
    Any questions or concerns do not hesitate to consult.​
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP
    YJ Trade

    YJ Trade
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    Deleted post to renew.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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