Hey guys it's kbl1103. I'm looking to sell my account. The only form of payment I accept is PayPal. My asking price is $800 but I am willing to negotiate. Message me if you are interested. Now some information about the account. Sorry for some of the bad pics I am no expert photographer. These following items are only on one character (CW): Mounts: (All bound) Armored Griffon Beholder Personal Tank Coastal Flail Snail Emperor Beetle Tenser's Floating Disk Other random Epic, Rare, and Uncommon Mounts Artifacts: (All Mythic unless noted) Belial's Portal Stone Forgehammer of Gond Heart of the Blue Dragon Lantern of Revelation Lostmauth's Horn of Blasting Sigil of the Controller Thayan Book of the Dead Token of Chromatic Storm Wheel of Elements Shard of Orcus' Wand (Green, bound to account) Noteworthy Companions: (All bound) Legendary Fire Archon Epic Siege Master Epic Wild Hunt Rider Epic Air Archon Epic Erinyes of Belial Legendary Zhentarim Warlock Legendary Mercenary Epic Remorhaz Epic Earth Archon Other various Epic and Rare companions 2 Ring of Bites 2 Talisman of Bites Gear: Sigil of the Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn (Bound) All Raid Relic Gear (2 pieces Vivified) Legendary Relic Weapons Legendary Neck and Waist Legendary Twisted Weapons (extra future refinement) Legendary Drowned Weapons (extra future refinement) Greater Ostorian Ring of Stein Ring of Ambush +5 Ring of Impenetrability +5 Ring of Rising Defense +5 Ring of Sudden Deflect +5 Ring of Vanishing Presence +5 Campaigns/Professions: All Campaigns/Boons are unlocked except the last one (Storm King's Majesty) in Storm King's Thunder The account has 434,560 Voninblod (Stacks of Relics) All professions are maxed except Leadership (level 10) and Platesmithing (Level 1) Rough AD: I have 9 characters full of gear. I have added up everything and it is 4.5 million rough AD during double AD. Miscellaneous extras: The account is VIP 12 but will be expiring soon. 4 Runic Bags of Holdings Dragonborn Pack has been purchased (All characters have an extra bag) 16 Character Slots A rename token (I'm pretty sure I bought one a while ago) A change appearance token (I'm pretty sure they gave one away free) Other notes: There are no enchantments or insignias on the account. There is a character with some gear for rough ad that I did not count. The account does have a few games with it as well. Nothing to current. The Xbox Live is expiring soon.
do any of your toons have any enchantments , on the pictures I cant see any ... are those stripped sold already?
never mind I just saw the details at the end of your post ... I would need detailed pictures of your inventory across all characters please ... If everything checks out I'm VERY INTERESTED