Selling Xbox One Destiny 2 Leviathan Raid Completion Account Recovery

Discussion in 'Destiny Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell Powerleveling | Cheap & Safe' started by Narcissizm, 9/20/17.

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  1. Narcissizm

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    Xbox One Destiny 2 Leviathan Raid Completion

    We are top 1% players that have thousands of hours of experience in Destiny and completed the raids over a hundred times, and are here again for Destiny 2!
    We are here to help those that don’t have the time to complete the raids on their own. We work very quick when we start to get your service completed as fast as possible.

    We will get all possible chest and maximize all chances to get the most gear we can in the raid. You are guaranteed a complete run of the Leviathan raid. We have some of the fastest completions. We will try to complete the raid on the same day as purchase.

    The service we provide is for an account recovery. The only requirement that we have is that your character is 260 light level. We get the raid finished in a few hours for the time of starting. Recoveries will usually be done within 24 hours of purchase.

    You will need to send me your information to login into your account. We will get to your account in the order that we receive them. We will also try to complete your order as soon as we can so that you can go back to playing your account. We have many ways that you can communicate with us through messages or messaging apps. Don’t hesitate to ask us a question
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  2. PlayerUp

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