Selling Xbox one 305, 304 and 299 A LOT OF EXOTICS

Discussion in 'Destiny 2 Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by Crunkmodz, 9/27/17.

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  1. Crunkmodz

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    Hey guys, I am currently selling my account. Due to me trying to catch up in school I have decided I need to put gaming on hold. I am Diamond in Trials of the Nine. I've completed the raid multiple times. I have a 304 Hunter, 304 Warlock and a level 10 Titan. You coule bring the titan up to 290 light in the very first day of getting to level 20. I have put days into this gake and account. This account has around 500 legendary shards and 2, 700 bright dust. So you are setup for a long time if you need to buy fireteam medallions. I've gone flawless on every character twice so far. I have 4 flawless runs with a 89% of winning. I even have the raid Exotic shotgun! This guy is not rare to come by and is pretty hard to get at the moment. Easily the hardest gun to get in the game I am only looking for paypal and am really looking for offers if you guys have any questions please email me @ [email protected]

    Edit: Just worked on the Titan he is now 290 power. Got the Hunter to power level 305. Looking for 300 USD PRICE IS # IVE SEEN ACCOUNTS WITH THINGS I HAVE GO FOR AROUND $450 We can use a middleman if you would like
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  2. PlayerUp

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