Sold [Xbox] [H] credits [W] items from my wishlist

Discussion in 'Rocket League Items for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by /u/Western_Magician_381, 10/23/23.

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  1. /u/Western_Magician_381

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    Kalos (must be turbo crate)- saffron and sky blue

    Photon- tw, crimson, pink, cobalt, burnt sienna, saffron, and orange

    Roulette- black, crimson, cobalt, burnt sienna, saffron

    Santa Fe- black, crimson, sky blue and lime

    Stern (must be uncommon or vr)- purple

    astro csx- crimson and saffron

    diomedes- purple

    masato- crimson, pink, bs, lime and fg

    nipper- tw,

    orbit- crimson, pink, cobalt, sky blue, burnt sienna, saffron, lime, fg, orange


    Dune racer (octane)- black

    Dominus: mondo- grey, crimson, and forest green

    Dominus: rlcs- black, pink, cobalt, burnt sienna forest green and orange

    Goal explosions

    toon- crimson, pink, and purple


    Sacred- grey, cobalt, burnt sienna, saffron, forest green and orange

    comet- grey, pink, fg and purple

    enchanter- black, grey, crimson, cobalt, bs, orange and purple


    Binary- grey and sky blue


    Drink helmet- pink and cobalt


    Werewolf (must be victory series)- crimson, lime, cobalt and purple

    breakout- forest green

    maverick gxt- tw

    # #/Western_Magician_381
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