Sold [Xbox][H] bundle below [W] credits

Discussion in 'Rocket League Items for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by /u/Memisterzz, 12/6/23.

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  1. /u/Memisterzz

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    Will split

    White fennec RLCS X - 700cr

    Pink fennec RLCS X - 200cr

    Unpainted fennec RLCS X - 150cr

    Lime octane RLCS X - 650cr

    Grey breakout RLCS - 200cr

    RLCS x banner - 100cr

    Striker sienna dominus RLCS - 300cr

    Tactician saffron dominus RLCS - 200cr

    Orange dominus RLCS - 200cr

    Sky blue dominus RLCS 21-22 - 100cr


    Individual = 2700 2000

    Bundle price = 2000 1300


    Tactician white animus gp: rose king - 250cr

    OG striker dominus dot matrix - 150cr

    Tactician black dominus or-aise - 400cr


    Add these to bundle for extra 400cr


    Also if this bundle goes will make several more, some cheaper options too

    # #/Memisterzz
    # .
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