wtt Genshin + hsr account linked together BOTH ASIA SERVER Genshin: Ar 56 Xiao Zhongli Kazuha C1 Ayaka + skin Hutao Eula Tartagila Alhaitam (not leveled only 60) Navia (not leveled only 60) Raiden (not leveled only 60) Qiqi(not leveled) Diluc c1 (NOT LEVELED) Jean c4(leveled I think? About 50-80 somewhere near there) Misplitter (ayaka sig) Skyward harp Lost prayers (I think this is what it’s called) Skyward claymore Amos bow I have bought a few packs with an apple gift cards but I think I have receipts? (Message me to see what I mean if your interested in the account) Not the best maintained but you can beat bosses and not caught up on quests! HSR (LINKED TO GENSHIN) LEVEL 66 Silver wolf E1 Dan heng IL Himeko Bailu Blade Welt Bronya Gepard Dr ratio I don’t play hsr so I don’t know about builds and stuff and if it’s caught up on quests sorry! Dm me to offer! Using trusted mm or you go first! (Also we can log into each others accounts before getting a mm because if you don’t like the account while the mm is checking them we’ll waste the mm’s time) # #/Zoeyylovesyou . .