As it says in the title i have around 30k gold on my wow account that i dont play anymore and now that ive started to play rs again i was hoping someone would like to trade my wow money for rs money. I wont change server to you to trade. If your ally on outland can use neutral ah How it will go down If you give me a good offer i will meet you in rs and also in wow open trade on rs with the amount of gold agreed (go onto 2nd trade accept) open trade on wow I put money up or you put item on neutral ah You accept 2nd part of the trade and i do too and i accept the wow trade. This is NOT a scam My warrior is called beeffyy (horde) one of the top geared warriors on the server but due to job + boredom of wow ive decided to quit and go bk to rs. If your serious about the trade add me on Joe-mcgough@