Looking for a decent warframe account, willing to trade for: *Diablo 3 ROS+Necromancer: (Has active accounts on both EU and US, both of which are around 720 paragon non season. The EU account has a very powerul necromancer in rathmas that can solo GR90+ easily while carrying a useless unarmored scrub for bonus loot. both have billions of gold and multiple characters capable of late game content.) ++ Also features inactive WoW account with ilvl 650+ Belf Paladin. Tons of rare/exotic/limited time mounts. ++ Heroes of The Storm account with multiple heroes and skins/mounts. ($450+ value on account) *Guild Wars 2 Account + HoT expansion: Lvl 80 Ranger + Druid spec, Lvl 80 Revenant, good amount of tomes to get you to roughly lvl 68 on a toon you create yourself instantly. Tons of materials.($180 value not including bank/material tabs) *Fortnite Legendary Collectors Edition Account: Stage 3 legendary soldier hero, tons of BPs and mats. Pretty decent bases for defenses. ($150 value) Mainly looking to return to Warframe after losing my own personal account but do not want to have to grind the 2,000+ hours I put into the game all over again from scratch. May ask for plenty of screenshots/video of account and will provide the same if requested. Trusted seller on numerous selling/trading sites and can provide links to reviews/testimonies if need be. Will go first if your warframe account is good enough. (around the value of my other accounts)