Wtt/wts Runescape Pure 1 Def W/ 4.7M Gold + 1M+ In Items - Sold

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    54 combat... stats = 43 atk, 61 str (2k away from 62 str), 1 def, 77 range, 1 prayer, 68 magic (1.5k exp away from 69), 69 hp, 39 theifing and 20 agility. Got 4.7m in gold and about 1m+ in items. Some items are Rune scimix6, rune baxe, 600 lobs, 600 addy arrows, about 6 sets of each d hide set from green to black, 300 sharks, ring of wealth, 2 glory amulets, 200 swordfish, around 2k of each rune, 20 power amulets, 30 str amulets, 10 of the other amulets, and 4k iron arrows. Hit me up on my AIM at Shamrockkkk@ if interested and have an offer in mind. Leave a post before you do.
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