HH lv 80 Staff 2x Blode ring 2x Luke Neck Full Realm CF TOP double sb CF TASSET double res some WC Items OFFER ME HERE ! wtt on urzark Wtt my int kark 3/3 infiniti/dimension cloak lvl6/stamina lvl6 for 2x int blode 1/1 stamina lvl 6 + 10 scrols or + good hh kataria lvl90 full scion 2x dmg+ ele atack or crit kataria for pvp 5/5 + asthals dmg/crit/stun and ele.dmg maybe and less scrols make me ofert in pm or add my / for more details thx I also accept 2 x int blode + int luke lvl.5 + cloak ..... [URZARK]WTS SCROLLS FOR PAYPAL!! 33 for sale 2€ one scroll WTT 100 BERSERKER (ZIAN) I wtt my berzi lvl 100 on Zian for other Chars lvl 95+ Bersi got: -Full Cf best stats -Full Poison -2 x Glor. Gauds (6% res) - skill+1 wep for buffing -5/5 ashtal crit wep -some wc left -Kark ( cloak lvl 3) wtt archlord acc / zian svr/ for BoI coins/items