Sup, Im looking to trade or sell my Aion account with a 45 assassin and 37 Templar on Yustiel, Eylos. The sin has very good gear for his level, mostly oranges and blues. Has 7x Lodas Amulets (20% xp for 1 hour) It has 8million Kinah and 7mil In sell able items (godstone worth 6mil). Will show armory/in game on request. I have all the info to this account - including cd keys and serial numbers. Previous 2 owners of this account are verrry legit. The wow account has a Barthilas Server: 80 human female Mage 1k Gold 450 Tailor 450 Herb Epic Fly + dual spec 2/5 9.25 2 BiS Peices Can easily pull 7k dps has mount from H MGT (Swift White Hawkstrider) 80 Female Night elf Druid - alt Epic Fly and Dual Spec Has very good gear, toc 10, some 25 can easily heal and has heald toc 10+ 25 - X-fer/Char customize/name change/faction change - ALL UP!! I can show armory's to the wow account but it is out of game time - will validate it with a SS of the account transfer page. I have owned the account for a long time (since the start of WoTLK), the person who sold it to me has quit wow. I have never had a problem with the account - have all info (no ID). It is non bnet and i have no problems going first if you have rep, I also dont have any problems with a phone call ect. What Im looking for: - Cash (WU if you dont have rep, Paypal if you do) - a lvl 50ish aion account with good gear - A wow twink (prefer one with legendaries) eg. 60 rogue with T2.5/3/Thunderfury (if you have this i will add cash) 70 rogue with warglaives (1 or 2 dosnt matter) - I may add cash. 70 Hunter with Thor'dial 60 Pally/Warrior with hand of Rag PLEASE POST HERE BEFORE CONTACTING!!! Also have rep. IF I DON'T RESPOND ON AIM - LEAVE YOUR OFFERS AND I WILL GET BACK TO YOU Many Thanks