Selling WTT: Wow 85 warrior / 80 pal for P99 Hello, I have...

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/21/13.

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  1. EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell

    EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    WTT: Wow 85 warrior / 80 pal for P99 Hello, I have a basic level 85 warrior on Thrall server. He is an undead male. Has 310% riding, Kingslayer title and the 310% drake from ICC 10. Has around 6k on him. OO of account. Looking to trade for P99 - give me all offers. WTS: Project 1999 52 Mage(almost 53) Hello, I have a lvl 52 High Elf Mage for sale. Only a few kills from 53! If interested pm me and i will give more details! thanks WTB: Al'kabor Account (MAC) Hello, Looking to buy a Al'Kabor account to play with some old friends if there are any available. Class doesn't really matter, would just prefer no warrior. Let me know if you have anything. Would like for the toon to be 55+. Thanks. WTB: EQ1 Accounts on Fippy or Vulak'Aerr Server Hello, Im looking to buy 2 accounts on the Fippy or Vulak server. Classes im interested in are: Warrior, SK Shaman, Druid, Cleric They need to be atleast lvl 50. Contact me via PM please. I only do transaction via Paypal. WTS: EQ2 Selling cheap 90/247 brigand 90/222 troub 90/116 ranger Hello, I am looking to sell a single account with 6 year veteran rewrds on the EVIL side of NAGAFEN pvp server. All characters were pretty much powerleveled or stripped, so trying to sell for a low price. Does not have new DoV expansion, but once purchased can get all 90 characters full public quest gear in a week without trying too hard. 90/116 ranger pretty much stripped, just a abre 90 character 90/247 brigand Stripped as well, but has 247 aa 90/222 troubador Literally stripped as well 35/157 mystic (pvp locked) near full set of lvl 30 pvp gear Send me an offer though the messaging on this website please WTS: EQ2 WTT EQ 2 for WoW! Hello, I am looking to trade my Everquest 2 account for a World of Warcraft account, it must have time on it, and also have all expansions, up to Cataclysm! I don't care about levels My levels: 34 Dwarf Berserker, and some others I don't feel like downloading again. If you're interested in trading tell me...
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