Trading WTT: Wow 85 Paladin EU Ally for raid geared Rogue or Dps War - Possibily Female -

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift, 10/1/13.

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  1. Rift

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    Hello. I have a Wow eu Account with all informations and id scans. It have a 85 Retrubution Paladin currently geared for fireland raids. (Will show armory upon interests and show in game too). It's located on Runetotem EU and it's a Draenei Paladin Female. I have some alts, nothing good. I also have almost full S9 PVP gear, missing only 3 items like neck, belt and ring. Got weapon. Currently i have also a Holy gear. Working on a Tanking set. Everything is enchanted and socketed obviously. My paladin have JC/BS/Cooking/Fishing all caped. 8000+ Achievement points 80 Mounts (Wotlk Mammuth, Halloween mount, Chopper, Winged Guardian and a few achiev left for ICC 10 and Uld 25 mounts) 80+ Pets Bank comes with a few gems and a few enchanting items to be sold or used. 5000+ gold Bored about wow until something else comes out i'm willing to go back to Rift. I'm looking for a (if possible) female Rogue or Warrior. Dont care if guardian or defiant. I would like it to be raid ready for the new content. I would like you to have all the informations and account details. I would like you to have screens or show in game (i have a blank account) and i will do the same. In the best way i would like you to be up to use a , i dont have rep i know but i'm a customer of a wow seller that can provide feedback for me just in case. My account is active and i require your to be to at least for a month. Willing to tarde asap. Waiting for offerts. Ty
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