Wtt Wow 85 Hunter Epic Flying Nice Titles Good Gear A Few K Gold. (Oo)

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    hey i have my hunter for trade i am OO as the tittle says i am looking at all runescape accounts with some decent stats/wealth i have posted on other threads rift/dcuo for accounts just bored of wow, decided to traded my account. hunter has epic flying some cool mounts, like rep mounts (camel+goblinbike) some vanity titles like 25 hm icc from a while ago. full epic gear besides one trinket but its bis blue trink for hunters. its a US account aswell, and has alts like a 70 twink dk, a shammy and a few more. have all cd keys sense vanilla just pm me if interested
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