Heyaa i wtt some wc item in Gaiahon -12x5k lens normal -5x5k lens+ -5pack combi for archon character or scrolls pm me u offer (only archon server) WTS/WTT Zerk Archon WTT/WTS zerk lv 81 FULL Psn, COol CF stuff (2x res pants + 2xhp+2x something i forgot) + some Coll 2x CFstuff for random chars Riley boots for archer and odon gloves HAul ring, Logo ring, Cool weps for 78/85,Some CC stuff, Dark Angel Wings lv2 No neck inside, WTT it for another char lv 80+ OR for WP i accept real money too , GOes with email () for more info private message or post :P WTS Archer Lvl 96 (EU 3) ( 1 2) Hey everyone, as the title says i want to sell my lvl 96 archer. These are the things on the char : 2 x Int. Gaudius (5% & 6% resi) Norm. Shuta (7% Resi) Norm. Luke (Lvl 3 Ele Cloack) 4 Slot Riley Armor (Lvl 5 Stones and 1 open Slot) Mars Armor 12% Sb Bonus (Lvl 3 Stones) Mars Tasset 7% Resi Bonus (Lvl 3 Stones) 3 Slot Armor of Riley (Lvl 3 Stones) 3 Slot Robindole Tasset 11% Resi Bonus (Empty) Breathseize Boots Lvl 44 14% Move. Speed, 5% Block (lvl 5 Quick, Scion) Breathseize Cap Lvl 44 +20 All Stats, 8% All Ele Resi (Lvl 5 Wisdom) Mars Armpads 12% A. Speed Bonus (Lvl 3 Stones) Mars Boots 11% Move. Speed Bonus (Lvl 3 Quick, Scion) 2x Int. Gaudius (5% & 6% Resi) Lillin Neck (Lvl 4 Wings) Lvl 38 Weapon for Cf (8/8 Tornado Stones) 1 unused Ashtal Also has 60 M gold, some Refs, a Storage full with all kind of Stones and some Wc items. Comes with E-mail (gmx.de) I'm selling it cause i want to do my Mage and i need the money I'm only interested in Paypal or Paysafe Cards AND I ONLY TRADE WITH MIDDLEMAN! Greetz Ps: here are some screens imageshack.us/photo/my-images/830/al15.png/ imageshack.us/photo/my-images/843/al14.png/ imageshack.us/photo/my-images/713/al13.png/ imageshack.us/photo/my-images/94/al12.png/ imageshack.us/photo/my-images/807/al11.png/ imageshack.us/photo/my-images/687/al10.png/ imageshack.us/photo/my-images/683/al9.png/ imageshack.us/photo/my-images/232/al7j.png/ imageshack.us/photo/my-images/155/al5.png/ imageshack.us/photo/my-images/833/al4a.png/ imageshack.us/photo/my-images/8/al3q.png/ imageshack.us/photo/my-images/696/al2c.png/ imageshack.us/photo/my-images/197/al1y.png/ Price check: Sezarazen Hi, as the title says, if you guys know how much are they worth on America and Sylvia, please help me with some info tyvm. [EU3] WTB Int Logo