Hi there. I am a former WOW addict going hardcore RIFT, and as such I am trading my WOW account for a RIFT account. What you are getting: 1 level 85 priest with 35k gold, and TONS of rep on the Burning Blade server (US) as well as an avg item level of right above 346. In addition there are over 20 alts of various levels spread across different servers shuld you want to explore them. Most notable alt is a level 81 paladin I was going to tank with but changed my mind. Armory link for main toon below: Armory Link for main toon on the account- mywowarmory/profile.php?id=256243 What I am looking for: I am looking for a VERY well geared PVP Guardian toon PREFERABLY on the Todrin server, (no clerics sorry!) however I will certainly entertain offers containing toons on different servers, and if its a defiant toon let me know I may be interested depending on how well geared he is. With TRION stating server transfers are in the works I am sure I will be able to make use of the toon in due time. You can reply to this thread, but for a quicker reply you can hit me up at papifly79@, and I will be sure to respond very quickly. This account has 7 days of free gametime as I reactivated temporarily to get the stats I needed. Thank you for looking at my post, and I look forward to hearing from you!