Hey I was hoping to trade some of my silkroad characters for a decent level char in Cabal online North america and have it on mercury server heres the chars I have if you want to contact me add me to msn thanks ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// 92Glavier Babel /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// //71 Bower Troy/// ////////////////////// /////////////////////// //72RogueGaia /// ////////////////////// ///////////////////////// ////62War.Tibet //// /////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// 57wiz Titan/4rogues lvl 45-50diff servsSameAcc/// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////// //// 78Blader Alps/// //////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add me to msn at for more Details on each account///////////////// //P.s~ We will be using sro_thanker (AKA Roby) as a middleman if you refuse to go first on trade/////////////////