Wtt Runescape 134 (W/40M+) For 80 [H] Or Wow Gold

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    I'm looking for a druid with decent gear, maybe T7.5-8, with epic flying and a decent amount of cash, or 17,500 - 20,000 WoW gold. (I put a lot of time into this character, that's why so high price. Plus, thats about 10 of my ventrilo buddies' opinion on a good price.) The Runescape name is Evil_Dawg2, Hiscore it if you would like. ALSO: Ive been looking for about 20 min, and can't figure out how to link a screenshot in here, so... Yeah. I can meet you in RS if you like to prove its mine.
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