Hi as the title i want to trade my lvl 95 near 96 WIZARD with a lvl 95+ character in Last chaos US. MY pg has: LvL 95 (near 96, the lvl cap in the game is 99) Full bedron 134+ pdf (the last armor in the game) 12 lvl 6 skills 3/1-5/1-7/1 PSY - VIT build (the best for Wizard) Very good in PvE and PVP (can make rakhon 5 in solo) other objects (such as rings, staffs, necklaces ecc with high PSY and VIT) 12,5 millions gold available PG + Armors and Weps worth more or less 250 euro. here are some screens ^^ img46.imageshack.us/img46/439...enshot001h.jpg img46.imageshack.us/img46/513...nshot002fl.jpg img195.imageshack.us/img195/3...nshot003eu.jpg reply here or send me a PM plz. byezzz^_^