I want to trade my 103 cm on rapplez with +10lvl10 sages staff, +5or6 lvl10 nd armmor, fendish boots lvl10 ,r4 nd gloves lvl10, all equips are epic int and wisdom stoned ,109+19 evo 2 rp, 91+10rp(on belt) ,66+10 skelly ,52+2 rp evo2 ,113+23 rp evo2 stage 1, +3fire arrow ,+3 lighting bolt and alot more. I would like to trade this for 7x swashbuckler or 7x sorc on burmahrt or uzark sever message me if your intersted i can provide screenies if u messag and ask for them. wts 2 GOLD tickits on Stull 2 gold tickits =7k wp WTS Sylvia ACC whit 4 scroll +some wc Wts acc whit 4 scroll and 155 wc for ? in sylvia server need if u interesed pm me WTS Elementalist lvl 65+87Pets lvl 4 [Fullrealm] (Gracia) ( 1 2) delete it xd WTS sorc lv 76 deribelle