Wtt/price check ar60 eu 59x5*

Discussion in 'Genshin Impact Other Accounts | Genshin Impact Accounts Sale' started by /u/Successful-Bad2681, 2/11/24.

  1. /u/Successful-Bad2681

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    Keqing c4,jean and mona c3,diluc c2,qiqi and tighnari c1 and venti,kokomi c1 Extraordinary builds. 72 pity on event 61 pity on weapon banner. has no issues/deadlinks at all it has a psn but its mine. im not sure what im lf just trying to see offers

    # #/Successful-Bad2681
    . .
    #1 /u/Successful-Bad2681, 2/11/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/24/24
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