Contact me at skype: Hydrawar21 with offers or questions I am looking to trade my Legion accounts for a HoT GW2 account there are 2 legion accounts on the same The account also comes with "OverWatch" Lots of transmog and BoA are also on the accounts and a few rare mounts Just a few to name: Drake of the south winds BloodBathed Frost Vanquisher Cindermane Charger Experiment 12-b wow7 account has: 110 Mage ilvl 820 104 Warrior 100 shaman 100 Druid 100 Warlock 100 Priest 100 Demon Hunter and other low level alts wow9 account has: 110 Shaman ilvl 850 103 Druid 105 Warrior 101 Paladin 102 Priest 100 Monk 107 Rogue and other low level alts