WTT NA AION (Siel Server) x4 ACCOUNTS FOR EU (Any Server) x1 70/70 ACCOUNT 1) Account #1 has Songweaver lvl65, Sorcerer lvl65, Cleric lvl 49 *Songweaver has Full IS set with full mythic IS accs (Pure IO helm) *Sorcrer has normal gears with IS orb +5MB plume many stuffs on WH 2) Account #2 has Aethertech lvl65, Assassin lvl65, Gladiator lvl65 *Aethertech has Full IS set with Full mythical IS accs + Mythical IO wep merged with 65a2 R1 PvP weapon socketed with composite manastones with some 65a2 R1 gear pieces *Gladiator has full Ancient coin C2 gear + Vasharti Polearm *Assassin has 2x Bloodmark weapon both encahnted to +10 with full Forest Manor Gear (Gold Para stone in inventory with many good stuffs) 3) Account #3 Has Spiritmaster lvl65 *Spiritmaster has 3x parts of IS set, has 65a2 R1 pvp gear with Some mythical weapons(EB,Vash,Sauro) +lots of stuffs on WH etc. 4) Account #4 Has Gunner lvl65 *Gunner has 65A2 pistol wtih Ancient coin Pistol+5 Silence, Para socketed (has Full Ancient coin Gear MB stone socketed) 2 pieces of IS set with Katalam accs !!!!if you have EU account that has lvl70/70 veteran on ANY server you can choose 2 accounts from above, or IF you have geared Character on Spatalos Elyos side with geared 70/70 account you can have all 4 accounts!!!!! contact for mor infos pictures etc... Contact me skype : Erdenesukh0412