Hi all, ive recently quit WoW for Conan lolz this meens my pro account will be up for Sale/trade (the trade is for another conan account)(OR A wOw ROGUE) this account contains 4 chars, a level 80 druid which was my TBC main, a lvl 80 lock a lvl 80 Death knight which was my WOTLK main, and a lvl 46 rogue semi-twink. [COLOR=#3333FF </span> if you are intreseted please add my address then we can talk. <span style=]span> span> span> Level 80, with 5/5 tier 7 (10man 25man l) and the rest 10/25man also fully epic in resto spec. offspec gear isnt to good have about 6 epics in feral. this char had epic flying, (nether ray, swift flight, gryphon) has many ground mounts including Talbuk. over 10 exalted reps. has the Champ of frozen wastes title. has alchemy at 390. on to the DK. (nelf female) <span style="text-decoration: underlinesoooo, this is my latest main, a DK Tank. Tank Gear = 5/5 Val tier 7 the rest full 25man tank gear. DPS Gear = 2/5 Val the rest 25man dps gear. Weapons = Black ice, Betrayer of Humanity, 2x Slayer of the lifeless, broken promise, Jawbone, deathsbite. everything fully enchanted/gemmed. Has Duel spec. Blood (tank) unholy (dps) Proffsions are Herbalore - 450. has epic flying - bronze drake. ground mounts - Swift white hawk strider, and many others. Titles - Twilight Vanq, ChampOtFW, Elder, Love fool, Jenkins. pretty much exalted with all the WOTLK facions. (exalted with SOH) about 2k gold. for any more info on the char or a amoury link, talk to me on . ------Mystic Wok p>[/COLOR]