WTT my LoL account for GW2 items/golds

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/24/14.

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  1. Games

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    Hey guys played for long time on league of legend, now i'm bored of this game, won't play it anymore. Started gw2 two month ago and definitly wanna play this one, so i am looking to trade my league of legend account EUW for your gw2 golds or legendary ( looking for Bolt / Incinerator ).

    My Lol account is actually gold V, season 3 platine IV, platine border, with tons of skin ( many legendary, rare skin, some that you can't purchase anymore ) :

    Midnight Ahri

    Foxfire Ahri

    Popstar Ahri

    Stinger Akali

    Nurse Akali

    Blood Moon Akali

    Longhorn Alistar

    Unchained Alistar

    Pharaoh Amumu

    Little Knight Amumu

    Noxus Hunter Anivia

    Goth Annie

    Prom Queen Annie

    Frostfire Annie

    Reverse Annie

    Freljord Ashe

    Sherwood Forest Ashe

    Woad Ashe

    Amethyst Ashe

    Heartseeker Ashe

    Boom Boom Blitzcrank

    Pitlover Customs Blitzcrank

    Cryocore Brand

    Zombie Brand

    Resistance Caitlyn

    Sheriff Caitlyn

    Officer Caitlyn

    Desperada Cassiopeia

    Loch ness Cho'Gath

    Urfrider Corki

    Dragonwing Corki

    Lunar Goddess Diana

    Toxic Dr.Mundo

    Soul Reaver Draven

    Victorious Elise

    Tango Evelynn

    Frosted Ezreal

    Pulsfire Ezreal

    Bandito Fiddlesticks

    Surprise Party Fiddlesticks

    Enchanted Galio

    Spooky Gangplank

    Vandal Gragas

    Jailbreak Graves

    Riot Graves

    Alien Invader Heimerdinger

    Nightblade Irelia

    Frostblade Irelia

    Hextech Janna

    Frost Queen Janna

    Victorious Janna

    Dragon Slayer Jarvan

    Grim Reaper Karthus

    Harbinger Kassadin

    Mercenary Katarina

    Battleborn Kayle

    Judgment Kayle

    Deadly Kennen

    Artic Ops Kennen

    Caterpillar Kog

    Sonoran Kog

    Monarch Kog

    Lion Dance Kog

    Deep Sea Kog

    Jurassic Kog

    Prestigious Leblanc

    Muay Thai Lee Sin

    Iron Solari Leona

    Sorceress Lux

    Commando Lux

    Steel Legion Lux

    Obsidian Malphite

    Shadow Prince Malzahar

    Totemic Maokai

    Ionia Master Yi

    Cowgirl Mf

    Secret Agent Mf

    Candy Cane Mf

    Road Warrior Mf

    Mafia Mf

    Infernal Mordekaiser

    Exiled Morgana

    Galactic Nasus

    French Maid Nidalee

    Pharaoh Nidalee

    Headhunter Nidalee

    Frozen Terror

    Nunu Bot


    Bladecraft Orianna

    Battle Regalia Poppy

    Chrome Rammus

    Freljord Rammus

    Galactic Renekton

    Outback Renekton

    Uncle Ryze

    Royal Shaco

    Asylum Shaco

    Frozen Shen

    Barbarian Sion

    Warmonger Sion

    Spectacular Sivir

    PAX Sivir

    Earthrune Skarner

    Muse Sona

    Arcade Sona

    Divine Soraka

    Tyrant Swain

    Justicar Syndra

    Armor of the Fifth Age Taric

    Bloodstone Taric

    Astronaut Teemo

    Earnest Elf Tristana

    Firefighter Tristana

    Guerilla Tristana

    Traditional Trundle

    King Tryndamere

    Musketeer Twisted Fate

    Kingpin Twitch

    Gangster Twitch

    Black Belt Udyr

    Spirit Guard Udyr

    Giant Enemy Crabgot

    Butcher Urgot

    Arclight Varus

    Dragonslayer Vayne

    Heartseeker Vayne

    Leprechaun Veigar

    Count Vladimir

    Big Bad Warwick

    Tundra Hunter Warwick

    Feral Warwick

    Firefang Warwick

    Jade Dragon Wukong

    Runeborn Xerath

    Commando Xin Zhao

    Viscero Xin Zhao

    Mad Scientist Ziggs

    Groovy Zilean

    Wildfire Zyra

    I actually have 13 runes pages with many runes in it, almost got all champions.

    I am the owner of the account, no one got passwords, got all information about the account.

    If you need more information let me know in asking, also waiting for offers.

    That's my first post here, so people won't go risky, we can use a middleman for the trade if needed i'm fine with it.

    Enjoy guys

    bump =)

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