WTT my Daoc accounts

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/13/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hey all,

    I am looking to trade these following daoc accounts. I am a legit MD veteran and only deal with legit ppls. here are account details

    Account 1 : RR3L2 BM fully temped, with lots of gear in inventory and is also CL6. Low rr 48 ranger , decently temped with gov and som, might reach 50 very soon(like tonight). 48 druid with Wings helm, cloudsong and gov and some other arties(this toon might also reach 50 soon). plus some thid toons. devon cluster.

    Account 2 : RR2 50 Druid with decent gear , cloudsong, gov and decent gear. comes with a house.. was used as a buffbot .. devon cluster

    there r about 10-12p across both accounts + lots of gear to sell.

    I am looking to trade these accounts for other decent daoc account(looking to trade both these accnts for a decent 1 daoc account), or decent EU warhammer online account, or active wow eu account. not really looking to sell these accounts, but only looking to trade them for other accounts. i also have 5 steam accounts(check my other thread) that i might be willing chuck in to sweaten the deal [​IMG].


    hi i have an eu warhammer account has 40 marauder on it plus 32WP,32SM,31BO and some other 20+alts, if your interested send me a pm ,thanks.
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