WTT lv7x/8x

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/2/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Server- BRUMHART ....WTT: mage 76+(rouge lv3) - has poisen top/hat. Lightning bracelets. Ele 83+ - Full mixed relms. 3x gloves, boots and hat. 2x garb. Pm offers

    WTS Stones on All Servers ( 1 2)

    I am selling all kind of stones on all 4 servers: 1 stack = 9 Euro/$12,5/7,5 Pounds 5 stacks = 40 Euro/$55,5/34 Pounds 10 stacks = 75 Euro/$104,5/63,5 Pounds Fastest way to reach me is by pm.

    WTS Chantra Credits

    Hi all, i have 30kcc on my char, i stop playing that game, so i will sell my cc, on my char. I sell 30kcc on all server for 30€ via paypal

    WTS Cyprius

    WTS Podon neckle with stamina lvl 3 PM me offer

    WTB/WTT gaia
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