Sold WTT LOL account for a good Warframe account.

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AzureTea, 12/24/17.

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  1. AzureTea

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    Hey, I recently got hooked on warframe, but sadly I do not have a good account. Therefore I am willing to trade a LvL 30 Eune LOL account for a good warframe account.

    The account has 35k BE (upon doing the new mission thing) and 141RP
    It has 77 unlocked champions and 8 skins (judgemental kayle)
    The skins can be viewed here:

    The account has no placement ranks (but 9/10 games played, but it will reset upon new seasonal ranking), so it's kind of like a fresh smurf.
    I also have other league accounts to trade/sell if you are interested.

    The trade will include full access to the account and an email change.
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