wtt l2anime char l2anime lv80 duelist with subs: •cardinal •adventurer •saggi •paladin •titan •dreadnought (for farming) items:+25 full epic light set,+25 full heavy epic set,+25 full raid boss jewels,+25 tatoo of soul (atk speed),+25 dusk:bow,dagger (lv10 focus augment),titan weapon,single handed sword,pole (for farming too) and +9 backstub,+9 deadly blow he comes with a free hierophant buffer for resists EDIT:Now i have mage set +25 full too with dusk shield +25 and c speed tatoo +25 and dusk staff +25 and greater battle heal +9 so now any class you make you ve got a full set edit:now ive got +25 doom tatoo too (for p.atk)