Hey guys, I want to trade my inf Inf over RR9 Perfect temp 9 Harpy weps 10 Basalts of swords of anarchy Akars And more.... I'm looking for SPECIFIC classes and MUST BE OVER RR5 Bard Blademaster Healer Shadowblade Sorceror All with perfect temps... Let me know if interested! People, I've been getting alot of PM's with offers that no one in the right mind would accept if you were me. Example: "hi,i can offer 44 hunter sced + sorc sced lvl41 or 41 theurg + 41 sorc sced for the infi. i have also sced lvl46 ranger" Are you kidding me Username Uthgard? Or this... "i have a bm firbolg 50 but is only 4L3(full templeted with 2 mp armor) cause i play him only sometimes as i have told is low rr, and i can understand u if u dont want to do the deal, btw if u are interested" Please don't offer my crap characters k thanks. Also considering a ranger over RR6, lurikeen Up! Still looking for serious offers UP! Characters must be RR6-8 to consider offers! BM must be Firbolg or Elf Up! Still looking but I got a few offers I'm considering