Hey guys im looking to move back into daoc and leave WoW. I currently have a level 80 warrior in 2 full sets of epics, dual spec, epic flyer, northrend flight, 25 exhaulted factions, just over 10k gold, nether ray and onxy drake mounts along with several other pets and silly bits. Toon has 450 mining and JC'ing for money making, and currently 31k honour there. This account also has a level 80 rogue with fill epics except for the weapon which i never got round to finishing. This toon also has epic flight with bronze drake and northrend flight. 450 Alchemy (to transmute titanium from miner toon) and 450 herb. As a bonus my second account is also tied to these via battle and has a level 80 hunter on which could be moved over to the main acc. Both chars are currently on Runetotem EU server but could be moved to any other as transfer is available. Im looking for something decent on devon cluster, not fussy about which realm but hib or mid is prefered. Im also willing to split the money if thats all someone wants in return for something decent. Contact me via here, or msn @ [email protected] /* */ . Thanks!! Traded my DAoC account for his WoW account, went smoothly! A+