Selling WTT: EQ1 90 War WTT 90 Warrior - The Rathe 2024...

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/26/13.

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  1. EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell

    EQ Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    WTT: EQ1 90 War WTT 90 Warrior - The Rathe 2024 AA. 51564/6069 unbuffed Fully T4 flagged Tower BP/Arms/Legs rest is T4 - Has T4 replacements for Arms and Legs Grumpy Goblin/Iksar/Earth Elemental/raptor illusions Transfer token in inventory! WTT for Monk or Zerker of same quality WTS: EQ1 WTT 90 War WTT 90 Warrior - The Rathe 2024 AA. 51564/6069 unbuffed Fully T4 flagged Tower BP/Arms/Legs rest is T4 - Has T4 replacements for Arms and Legs Grumpy Goblin/Iksar/Earth Elemental/raptor illusions Transfer token in inventory! WTT for Monk or Zerker of same quality WTT: EQ1 WoW for EQ1 WTT an 85 resto Druid with 370 ilevel (PvP gear). Has 500 Mining and 450ish Leathworking. 2k gold. Has a JP Chest for PvE, was just starting to work on the PvE set. Frost DK has 371 ilevel (also PvP gear) with no professions. 270 First Aid. 300gold Both characters are obviously arena ready and can do some serious owning! Am not really sure what I want atm, but shoot me a PM with what ya have. Looking for permanent trades, only! WTT: my WoW for EQ1 WTT my 85 worgen warrior,all expansions, hes pvp geared 3300+ resiliance. on US-Uldaman server, transfer is up. have some horde alts on another server. 82 druid, 80 priest, 75 shaman, 60ish mag. Anyway getting suckered into playing eq1 again by some friends so im looking for 85+ Ranger, Berserker, Rogue, War, SK, and possibly mag. let me know. WTS: EQ1 WTT Wow for Eq1 WTT my wow account for an EQ1 account on any server! Wow account is a 85 pally on Draka server, has 360 ilevel, in full purples. Can tank heroics in his sleep as well as any raid. (Tanked BwD and yet a tank with higher HP than me kept dying.) 2k Gold on the account as well as a 37 Priest I just created a few days ago cause I cap'd my valor points and got bored. Looking for a lvl 90 character (the new expansion hasn't come out yet, right?), and also if the account had new expansion pre-ordered that would be pretty sweet. I will NOT trade for rogues,...
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